Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blair - air + og = BLOG

I created a blog so that I could keep in touch with my friends and family while I spend a couple months studying abroad in Egypt. Hopefully, I can chronicle my travels, happenings, mishaps, and learning experiences that oftentimes are the result of awkward situations and poor decision making. In shah Allah, there won't be too much poor decision making, but nonetheless and joking aside, this time abroad will undoubtedly be a life-shaping learning experience. Also, I plan on writing my thoughts about being both a Christian and American in the Middle East. I'm excited to embark on this journey, and as of right now, I leave in 17 days for the adventure of a lifetime. On another note, my mac is broken right now, and once it is fixed, I'll learn how to skype.

Ma'a salaama,



Dan said...


Hope you don't mind me living vicariously through you via the Bl(air)og this semester.


Cool Dan

Tim said...

'Long time, no talk' would be an understatement. I'm a blog junkie and writer myself Blair. Best of luck abroad.

Tim Huether said...

Blog Buddies!

Anonymous said...


Clever post title. Wishing you the very best on your travels and keep in touch.
